Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

What a GREAT time we had. On Christmas Eve we went to Mass. Cosmo (Logan's grandpa) got Logan this adorable dress for Christmas. We put the dress on Logan for church and she did not find it so adorable. She did NOT want to wear the dress. I guess she didn't like the material because she kept her arms raised up about 3 inches when she had it on. It was pretty funny watching her walk around like that. Althouth this picutre is a bit blurry you can still see how cute she was.

After church we headed off to Adam's parents house for Christmas gifts with them. Check Logan out by the tree with Honey...notice the dress is off and we are HAPPY!!! YEAH GIFTS!!!

She had a blast opening up all her gifts. It was really fun watching her get so excited with them. I know she doesn't understand the concept of "santa" yet, but to watch her get so happy and rip at the paper, it made it very enjoyable.

Christmas morning Logan woke up to a tree full of MORE gifts. She was instantly drawn to her Dora chair which she immediately pulled out and sat in.

After that she went for all the presents wrapped in Dora paper. If only I would have been thinking and wrapped all her gifts in Dora paper.

After opening a few of her gifts we got to one gift in particular...It was a "Yo Gabba Gabba" DVD. I had never heard of "Yo Gabba Gabba" before, but her daycare told us that she LOVES it. I thought more than Dora or Elmo...well we found out that she does love it more than Dora or Elmo. Once she unwrapped that DVD, she was done. She did not need to unwrap anymore....of course we still had her unwrap more, but she had to have the DVD right next to her. I guess that was her favorite gift. Thank you Daycare.

After the gift "ceremony" we had a lovely lunch later that day. Adam's parents, sister, our good friends Laura and Jerry, and Laura's parents all came over for lunch. This was officially Adam's and my second time cooking a turkey and all the fixing. I believe we got good reviews. It was a fabulous Christmas and I can't wait till next year with Logan. It should be very exciting. For now though, Logan needs her rest!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

18 months old

Since Logan was born I've kept a journal of letters to her or updates of things that have been going on in her life (accomplishments she has made). Well today Logan is 18 months old, officially. And this evening I go to grab the journal to write in it and I just have to take a look back to see what I wrote to her one year ago. I thought I'd share a portion of what I wrote...

...I find myself falling more and more in love with you. You are the most amazing baby. You are rolling all over the place and you are getting on all fours to try and crawl. You are just bouncing back and forth, but you are trying. You are also eating cereal and bananas. You are the happiest baby and I feel so blessed to have you as my daughter. You are the most important thing in my life. You are my little baby and I can't wait to watch you continue to grow...

WOW!! I can't believe how much she has grown. She still is amazing to me and I still find myself loving her more and more each day. I was blessed with a gorgeous daughter 18 months ago and her and Adam are the most important things in my life. Logan is a blessing to my life each day and one of my great accomplishments. Now anytime she wants to slow down some and quit growing up so quickly...I'd be okay with that. :)
Here are the photos to show her changes in one year.

Here is Logan on December 15, 2007

Logan today...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa Photo

Last year I felt like she was too young to take her photo with Santa. However, during Easter I got her picture taken with the Easter Bunny and she did such a great job. She sat there and had this huge smile on her face. Well, we were not so lucky with Santa. Adam and I took her up the the mall to get the photo with Santa. Everything was fine. We walked over to Santa, I sat her down on his lap, I took one step back and Santa spoke to her and that was it...she lost it. Of course we couldn't walk away without a photo to remember this moment by.

Here is Logan with Santa

Once the picture was over with I took her off Santa's lap and she was fine. She was excited to get on the carousel.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

What a wonderful week. I was fortunate to have the week off of work. I still had basketball, but that was only 2 hours of my day. The rest of the time I got to spend with Adam and Logan. It was really great getting to do things with Logan that I don't normally get to do with her during the week. We went to the park, we went on a few walks, I got to take a nap when she did (I was VERY thankful for that), and we went shopping together.

For Thanksgiving we went to Adam's parents house. His sister came down with her puppy (Buddy), so we had a house full of dogs, people and food. Adam's mom did most of the cooking and it was delicious. Although this was not Logan's first Thanksgiving it was the first time she got to enjoy the meal. She was quite the source of entertainment for us. She danced around and spun in circles. It was very cute. The cutest part was when we were saying the blessing and giving thanks before the meal. Logan was sitting in between Adam's mom and I. We all grabbed hands to say our blessing and Logan decided she didn't want to hold anyones hand, so she raised her hands straight up in the air. Therefore we all decided we'd raise our hands straight up in the air and go around and give thanks. She kept those hands up the whole time and continued to look at us like we were the crazy ones.

Here are a few photos of us on Thanksgiving...

Logan and Honey watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Logan and Cosmo playing with the Dogs...I think Logan is playing with Cosmo

Mom getting Logan's food ready

At the dinner table. Cosmo is taking the picture

The Farrell's at Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Logan growing up...slow down please

Logan LOVES being outside. Here are a few photos of her on her toys. We've made progress...she used to get on top of the slide and run down she actually sits down and goes for the ride.

She's getting so big. I can't believe how much she is changing. She say's Mama, Dada, Gus, BaBa (for ball), shoo (for shoes), Bu (for buck...Grandma and Grandpas dog), KiKi (Kitty), and Uh-oh. She knows where her ears and nose are and will point to them. She does know what you are going outside. She knows the difference between a bath and shower. If you ask her does she want a bath she runs to the bath tub, if I ask her if she wants to take a shower with mom, she runs to our bathroom to get in the shower. She's amazing. I can't believe how quickly the baby has left and how she's turned into a toddler. WOW!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Logan goes to the Pumpkin Patch

We took Logan to the pumpkin patch today. Last year was a bit easier to get good pictures. She just sort of sat there last year. This year however was a different story. She was all over the place and getting her to sit still long enough to take a photo seemed nearly impossible. Our camera isn't fast enough. I don't know if any camera is fast enough.

We still got some great shots of her.

Take a look at the photos from last year and the photos from this year. Aren't they AWESOME!!! She's getting so big.

Last year...

Logan this year...(16 months old)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Catch up

It's been almost 2 months since I have written on my blog. Life got really crazy once volleyball season started. We are doing really well though. It's the best the high school has done before in Volleyball. I am really excited about the potential this program has. I'm looking forward to watching my younger players develop into better players. Their senior year should be a lot of fun.
Adam has been busy with work, as always. I don't think business ever slows down for him. He is always working on some new project or idea. He is still doing bootcamp at Cole Park in the mornings. I hadn't been in a while, so a few weeks ago I decided to go out there. I didn't even make it through the warm-up and left. This random guy just rides his bike up to our group and he looks so scary and he pulls adam off to the side to have some talk. He actually gives Adam two hugs during this conversation and proceeds to tell Adam how he just got out of jail/prison and wants some money. He wants to know if Adam has any money or if any of those cars over there.....our cars....are unlocked so he can go take some money out of them. Adam tells him no and this guy actually leaves and so do I. I had Logan with me and there was no way I was hanging around that mess. It wasn't like that in the summer. I did go back earlier this week though and everything was fine.
Adam has also started selling Juice plus. It is a great source for getting all the fruits and veggies that you need. If you are interested you have to give him a shout about it.

Now on to what everyone really wants to hear about.....Logan. How she is doing? What is she up to? She's doing AMAZING. She's into EVERYTHING. She runs all over the place and has currently picked up climbing. This is new and I can see it getting pretty scary in the future. She still has some trouble getting on to the couch, so we are good for at least another week. :) She really is starting to understand a lot of what we are saying to her. She chooses to listen when she wants to. It's selective hearing. She's so much fun though, except when she is hungry or really tired. Those aren't really the "fun" times. She's a blast to hang out with and she is exploring everything. She LOVES books. That is a great thing. She constantly brings a book over to you and she actually wants to sit in your lap and have you read it to her. She has a million books all over the house and she even knows some of the words in them. She understands this Farm animal book and when we turn the page to, "scrathch the elephants ears," she actually scratches his ears. It's really adorable.
Here are a few updated photos of Logan.

Logan sitting on Mom's lap enjoying a great book. She helps turn the pages!!

Logan and Dad spending time in the backyard together...Dad gets to push!!

Enjoying Dad's Birthday cake after dinner....YUMMY!!! feet finally touch the floor!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Logan is growing

I thought it was time for me to add some updated pics of Logan. She's 14months and I can't believe it. She is all over the place now. She gets into everything. I am enjoying her being able to walk. I heard that I wouldn't because she would be so fast, but I really do enjoy it. I can chase her around the house and it's just so darn cute. She is talking a can't understand much of it, but she's making lots of noise.
She is going to a different daycare than what she went to last year because of my job change. She cried the first 2 weeks when I dropped her off and I cried the first couple of days. :) That was hard leaving my baby and having her cry like that for me. I guess she was too young to realize it the last time she was going to daycare. Now everything is fine and there are about 3 or 4 other little kids who are close to Logan's age so she will probably learn a lot of really great stuff from them and she'll probably learn a lot of "great" stuff that we will have wished she hadn't learned.
Logan has also got to come up to the gym for a few of my volleyball practices. She loves the volleyballs. She will chase them down. It's so cute. I need to get a picture of her with the balls because 15/16 years from now she'll really be playing volleyball and she'll be great at it. :)
One of Adam's aunts sent Logan some "back to school" clothes recently and so this past Sunday we put one of the outfits on her when we went to a baptism. The outfit was too adorable on her, so I just had to post pictures for everyone to see.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Work has started back up

This week I started work back up again. Not the teaching part, but the coaching part. We went strong twice a day Monday through Friday and then just one practice on Saturday morning. My shoulder has been resting the past year and a half and it hadn't hit balls in so long. It really felt it after the first day of practice and it's still feeling it right now. I don't know what I was thinking, but I should have been hitting balls all summer long.

I'm really excited to get to start playing in games. We start playing on Tuesday. It should be good for the girls to get to play against other people besides themselves and it will be good for me to see what things we need to focus on even more. It's going to be a very exciting, yet busy time for Adam and I. It's going to be a lot of teamwork and excellent communication for us, especially when it comes to taking care of Logan and who is picking her up or dropping her off. On Friday we both went to pick her up....that's better than not going. I don't think that will happen though. I personally can't wait till work is over so I can go and pick her up and play with her.

Here is a picture of my volleyball team. I'll keep you posted on how the season goes.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Weekend in Austin

We went to Austin this past weekend. Adam had a training camp that he was going to and Logan and I just wanted to get out of town. We stayed at Aunt Michaelas apt., but unfortunately she was in Corpus while we were in Austin. We left Corpus around 5pm on Friday and we hadn't even gotten to Calallen yet and Logan was already hollering. We thought, "Oh goodness this could be a VERY long trip." We sang a few songs to her and once we eventually stopped for dinner she quieted down and eventually fell asleep...WHEW!!!
Saturday morning Logan and I dropped Adam off and headed to visit Laura Dupont and baby Ruby. Unfortuantely I didn't get any pictures of her, but she was the sweetest baby. She slept the entire time we were there.
That afternoon we picked Adam up and went out to dinner. After dinner we went by the State Capitol. I had never been there and neither had Logan.

Here is a shot of Adam and Logan in front of the State Capitol

Here is a shot of Logan and I in front of the State Capitol

Here is Logan doing lunges inside the Capitol. (her daddy has taught her well)

Here is a family photo in the Capitol

Here is Logan sitting by the fountain on our way out

Late Sunday morning we headed back home for Corpus. It was nice to get a little break away from home.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Reading to Logan

Check out the post below. I had already ready 3 different books to Logan and I had probably already read this particular book about 5 times before we started filming.
She's too CUTE!!!

Reading to Logan

Friday, July 11, 2008

New Location for Adam's Gym

We spent the 4th of July week and weekend moving locations of Adam's gym. WOW!!! How exhausting yet, it is so exciting to have him so close to home. His new gym is two blocks away from our house.
On Thursday the moving company came and picked up all the equipment and brought it over to the new place. There was so much stuff. Adams gym is now a bit smaller than his previous location, but this location is so much better for visibility. So having a smaller place, yet having all of your same stuff; it left for a huge mess and lots to clean up.

We spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday arranging all the equipment, throwing things out that were no longer needed and the things we wanted to keep or sell, went into our garage. Thank goodness we had that "garage sale" a few weeks ago because we had room to put all that stuff in our garage. Logan wanted to be a big help and show us where everything went. On Friday I think we realized that not much was going to get accomplished with her help, so we had a wonderful babysitter come over for a few hours each day and watch Logan while we were hard at work. Logan seemed to enjoy herself.

By Sunday, with some help from our dear friend Jerry, we had the gym as complete as we could get it. All that is left to do is get the mirrors ordered and hung and then of course the sign hung up on the outside of the building. I have to say the gym looks fantastic and it is much more visible from the road. And with gas prices going up like crazy Adam can actually walk to the gym. By Sunday evening we were exhausted, it was a lot of hard work, but it's great that it's all done.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Unexpected weekend

What a weekend. At first Adam, Logan and I were going to head to Houston to visit IKEA, but ended up not going. So I decided that on Saturday I'd go to get a massage and pedicure....a little treat for myself and a break away for a few hours. Friday night we come home from having dinner with our friends Brian and Natalie and put Logan to bed. I was sitting on the couch and my wonderful husband gives me a lovely note about how much he appreciates all that I do for him and Logan and ends up paying for my massage and pedicure. I was so grateful and appreciated it so much.

So Saturday comes and we went and took Logans first year photos and a family photo of us. She did such a great job. She was so adorable.
After the photos got done we came home and noticed that our neighbors were having a garage sale. Our garage is full of SO much stuff and prior to that we had scheduled amongst ourselves two seperate times to have a garage sale, but the days never worked out. So on Friday I had called the Salvation Army to come and pick up our stuff for donation. Well it was 10:30am and we decided to jump on the band wagon with our neighbors and we started pulling our stuff our of the garage and put a sign up that read, " Garage Sale -- Give us an offer." Nope we hadn't even priced a single thing, but we figure well we were just going to give this stuff away and now it looks like we could make a few bucks. Sure enough in no time we had sold almost everything we put out there. Within 2 hours we had made a few hundred dollars. We were very happy. An hour later I left for my massage and when I got back home we took Logan over to Honey's (Grandma Farrell) and Adam and I got to go to a nice dinner. What a great weekend. Made some money, got a massage and pedicure, and had a wonderful dinner with just my husband. Thanks Honey for watching Logan.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Logan Turns 1 !!!

Logan turned 1 year old this weekend. I can't believe how quickly a year has gone. We had a BBQ at our house on Saturday to celebrate her first birthday. Plenty of kids were there and I think she had a lot of fun. She enjoyed playing with the kids and she took a dip with her friend Caroline. She loved her cake. She picked the whole thing up and put it into her mouth...well as best as she could. It was great. She did her first birthday the right way. She got wonderful gifts and is enjoying playing with all of them. And Adam and I survived the first of many more birthday parties to come. It was actually a lot of fun having our friends over also. We enjoyed that because we don't get to have that too often.

Her actual birthday is today...Father's her and Adam get to enjoy the day together. I made Logan a t-shirt to wear that has two pictures of her and Adam on the front. One is the picture of them last year on Father's Day...which was the day we brought her home from the hospital and the second picture is the most recent one we had of the two of them. On the back of the t-shirt I put on " I Love My Daddy." This morning I put the t-shirt on and let her crawl into the bathroom where he was, so he could see the shirt.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Trip without Adam

Logan and I headed to San Francisco this past weekend. She did wonderful. She slept on the long flight and played on the shorter flights. We got a chance to hang out in the city on Saturday. Logan loved the seals and wanted to go out in the water with them. We did a lot of shopping and eventually Logan fell asleep in the stroller. The city was wonderful. The weather was great and I was so sad to see our trip come to a quick end. We had a lot of fun though and although I was a little worried about traveling alone without Adam it worked out just fine. Logan did wonderful and made it all very easy. Now that we are back in Corpus we are just trying to get her settled back into her normal routines and sleep times.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

About to turn 1

Logan is about to turn 1 year old on June 15th. I absolutely can not believe how quickly the time has gone by. She's getting so big. We are having a BBQ party for her on that Saturday and inviting a few friends over. Last year we brought Logan home on Father's Day. This year Adam and Logan will be celebrating a day together. Her birthday happens to fall on Father's Day.

School has just gotten out so Logan and I are getting to spend the summer together. So far she has allowed me to take one nap and we've gone out and sat in the baby pool a few times. We are having fun so far!!