Saturday, February 21, 2009

20 months and counting

Here are some wonderful new things that Logan is learning to do. From my previous blog I told you that Logan got a new bed. Well the new bed did not go over so well. She learned how to get out of it and pretty much refused to go to sleep in it when Adam or I put her down. However, when our babysitter put her down, she'd fall fast asleep in her bed. We didn't push the bed thing and I figured whenever she was ready she'd do it on her own. Well one night she would not go to sleep in her crib...she wanted to stay awake with mom and dad. We were not going to have that, so we told her she had to stay in her bed. About 30 minutes later we went back to check on her and this is what we found...

She fell asleep in her bed alright...she was just halfway out. We picked her up though and put her in her crib. I think that may have been the last night she slept in her crib. She doesn't use it at all anymore. We are officially in a big girl bed. YEAH!!! When we tell her it's time to go to bed, she will even walk herself in the room and get in bed on her own. Of course we follow to get all the last minute kisses we can get before she falls asleep.

I've been realizing more and more that she completely understands A LOT of what I am saying. Some how she has learned to put her dishes in the sink when she is done with them and she throws trash away when I ask her to. If you remember pictures from my previous blog about our messy living room...

...yes remember that. Well if you are hoping that she has learned to clean that up yet, the answer is NO. It's her playroom and Adam and I just use it. :)

She does have a couple of Elmo dolls though and one time I told her that Elmo needs to go "night, night." And do you know that she took him back to her room and put him in her bed. About 30 minutes later I went in there to see if she REALLY did do that and this is what I found....

Yes Elmo needed a snack too. He was tired, but he still needed an apple slice.

Do you see how absolutely wonderful all this cuteness is? It's really great. She very entertaining and the more her vocabulary grows the more that personality of hers comes out also.

Here is a picture of the three of us this weekend at the Rise and Shine School 1K walk. The 1K ended up being the walk from our car to the registration table and then started to rain really hard. But we got a chance to talk to our friends for a while before we headed back to our car.

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