Sunday, June 14, 2009

Logan's Birthday party

Her official birthday isn't until tomorrow the 15th of June, but we had a birthday party for her this weekend. It was a "Dora" party and she loved it. Besides getting tons of Dora presents from friends and family, she had a Dora cake, Dora decorations, she wore a Dora dress and we served mexican food for dinner. It was a lot of fun!!! Here are a few pics of her birthday fiesta.

Here she is opening up her Dora Vanity set from her Auntie Michaela...we put it together she loves it.
We got her a tricycle for her birthday...I give her 2 weeks and she'll be riding down the street...need to get her a bell. :)

Blowing out her candles...or maybe Mommy and Daddy were blowing them out and she was watching.

The three of us....

Yummy cake...or cup cakes!!!

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