It seems so sudden that summer has left us and fall has arrived. Our lives have been busy. Volleyball season is officially over for me, so I now have time in the afternoons again. Adam is busy working on the growth of his business.
Logan is doing so well. I can't believe all of the wonderful things she is learning in pre-school. Shapes, colors, songs, numbers. It just blows my mind when she comes home and tells me something new; like how a slice of pizza is a triangle. Yes, she said that to me. I was such a proud mommy.
Halloween just sort of snuck up on us this year. I can't believe how each Halloween Logan looks more and more different. This year she was Minnie Mouse for Halloween. She seemed to enjoy it. I think she really liked the trick-or-treat part. Once she figured out that you go up to doors and you knock on them, then people come out with bowls of candy....WOW she was set. It was especially funny when she didn't even say anything to them and just went right for the candy bowl. We let her have a few pieces last night, but most of it we recycled by handing it back out to the trick-or-treaters that came to our home. Somehow this morning, Logan found a Butterfinger and came up to me asking if she could have it....before breakfast. Luckily she was not too heart broken when I told her no.
We are still continuing to work on the potty training thing. If anyone has any suggestions please share. I'd really like to have her potty trained before baby #2 arrives in March. I've heard 2 1/2 years is a great time to start and we will be approaching that in December.
Here are a few pictures of Logan's past Halloweens and a picture of her this Halloween.
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