Logan finally got her first hair cut this weekend. I was told that if you just trim her hair a little it will start to grow more and get thicker, so that's what we did. This weekend I had a hair appointment for myself, so Adam brought Logan up while I was getting my hair done. When Logan and Adam arrived I was getting my hair washed. This is a picture of Logan sitting on me while my hair is getting washed.

We did a very little trim on Logan's hair. We cut a little bit in the front and very little in the back. I still want to be able to put it in those pig tails. Logan sat on my lap during the process. They were actually blow drying my hair while they were cutting her hair. I think the blow dryer was a good distraction because this could have been the perfect opportunity for Logan to lose it and throw a fit, but she didn't. She was wonderful. Here are more pictures of the process.

And here is an extra picture just for fun...she took Adam's hat away and put it on her head. ADORABLE!!! Her "Honey" or "Grandma" (whatever Logan decides to call her) is trying to give her some glasses she bought her.
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