The first day of spring break, Saturday, was a VERY rainy, wet day, but Adam and I HAD to get the sod laid down in our yard. Yes, we tore out all those plants in our front yard and put grass in. It was such a difficult chore and it took a few hours, but through all the wet and mud Adam and I got it all down and I can't believe the huge difference it makes to our house. It really opens it up and makes it more inviting. I wish I had before and after pics of what we did, but unfortunately I don't have either. Lets just all keep our fingers crossed that it takes. We've been doing lots of watering to it.
Sunday, March 15th, Adam and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary. It seems so odd to say it was our one year anniversary because we've been together for so long, but it was. WOW!!! I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband. Here is a picture of that wonderful spring day last year.

I had a few things I wanted to do during the week of spring break. I wanted to read a book and I wanted to do something with Logan away from the house everyday. And I can actually say that I accomplished both those goals. I read a fabulous book called, The Reader. Some of you may have seen the movie, but I had not, so I did not know what the book was about. It was a really great book and I really don't have any intentions on watching the movie. I don't want take anything away from the book. I suggest to anyone who has not watched the movie to read the book.
Logan and I also did something everyday during spring break. On Monday, Logan, Honey, and I went to the Texas State Aquarium...which happens to be in Corpus. Adam was able to meet up with us later on during the day. We had a blast there. We walked around and looked at all the different sea creatures. We watched the dolphin show, had lunch, and played in the playground area. Here are a few pics of that great adventure.
Logan checking out the otters. She kept calling them Ki-Ki's for Kitty
Honey and Logan looking at the colorful fish!!!

Mom and Logan going down the slide together. What things we do for our kids.

Daddy's turn on the slide....

Logan, Honey, Mommy and Daddy on our way out. What a great time!

We were VERY close up. In fact we actually moved to sit further back.

Logan checking out the show

Honey and Logan enjoying Elmo

And this part shocks me. This balloon cost $10. Yes, can you believe that they get away with selling that thing for $10. Poor Logan, she didn't get a balloon that day.

Elmo and Logan together!!!

Mom and Logan playing together. I'm trying to do whatever I can, so she'll have fun.
Taking a walk together...
Honey and Logan together...

Logan and Dad checking things out...
Mom and Logan going down the slide together. What things we do for our kids.
Daddy's turn on the slide....
Logan, Honey, Mommy and Daddy on our way out. What a great time!
On Tuesday, St. Patricks Day, Logan, Honey and I went to watch, "Elmo Goes Green" at the American Bank Center. We had excellent seats. Logan really seemed to enjoy herself. Here are a few pics from that wonderful experience.
We were VERY close up. In fact we actually moved to sit further back.
Logan checking out the show
Honey and Logan enjoying Elmo
And this part shocks me. This balloon cost $10. Yes, can you believe that they get away with selling that thing for $10. Poor Logan, she didn't get a balloon that day.
Elmo and Logan together!!!
On Wednesday I decided to take Logan up to the pool that her and I would be starting swim lessons at next week. They had an "open swim" time, so I thought it would be perfect. I was SOOOOOO wrong. There were about 300 kids too many there. The pool was extremely crowded and Logan did not get quite the experience I was hoping she'd get. We stayed for about 10 minutes and left. I forgot we weren't the only ones on spring break.
On Thursday Logan, Honey and I went to the beach. Logan has not been to the beach in a VERY long time. I was bummed to see that she didn't enjoy it that much. She wasn't very fond of the sand...that's not something that she needs to dislike at the beach. I've never heard of a beach without sand. I guess Adam and I need to take her there more often so she will learn to appreciate it. Here are the few pics we were able to catch there.
Mom and Logan playing together. I'm trying to do whatever I can, so she'll have fun.
On Friday it was my 30th Birthday. WOW!!! I can't believe I'm out of my 20's. I don't feel 30, not that I really know what 30 is suppose to feel like. I feel like people might take me more seriously. I'm not just a young child anymore, I'm 3o. :) I'm old enough to have had some "experiences" in my life. Adam and I went to dinner in Rockport that night. It was very delicious. It was a really nice dinner with just the two of us.
Saturday morning, we got up early and Adam, Logan, Honey and I headed out for San Antonio to go to the Zoo. There were soooooo many people there. Last year, we were at the San Diego Zoo and I believe there were just as many people at the San Antonio Zoo as there was the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo is much larger than San Antonio Zoo. Logan seemed to enjoy herself for the most part. We had our difficult moments...especially when she was hungry and I think we waited in like for like 30 minutes just to get our food. We saw LOTS of animals and she got a chance to walk around a bit. Here are a few pics of that wonderful occasion.
Logan and Dad checking things out...
Logan and Dad by the reptiles...that was not my favorite part

I think we all felt this way after the zoo. Everyone needed their nap, but Logan definitely got hers. :)

I think we all felt this way after the zoo. Everyone needed their nap, but Logan definitely got hers. :)
And today is Sunday and I am getting back into the swing of things, ready...well not REALLY ready, to start work back up again. I'm lucky to have had such a wonderful break. It' s going to make the summer that much more enjoyable. Logan starts tippi toes back up on Monday and Tuesdays and Thursdays we are starting swim lessons. I hope all of you, who had the week off, had just as enjoyable of a week as I did. Thank you Honey for going with Logan and I on all these wonderul adventures....we sort of filled up your Spring Break week also. And Thank you Corpus Christi weather for being good to us!!
Logan says "Thank you" too!!!