Last year I felt like she was too young to take her photo with Santa. However, during Easter I got her picture taken with the Easter Bunny and she did such a great job. She sat there and had this huge smile on her face. Well, we were not so lucky with Santa. Adam and I took her up the the mall to get the photo with Santa. Everything was fine. We walked over to Santa, I sat her down on his lap, I took one step back and Santa spoke to her and that was it...she lost it. Of course we couldn't walk away without a photo to remember this moment by.
Here is Logan with Santa

Once the picture was over with I took her off Santa's lap and she was fine. She was excited to get on the carousel.
that is hilarious! I have a feeling Caden is going to do the same thing! We will see. Hope all is well!
oh my gosh, she looks terrified!!! Ha ha, maybe next year right :)
ha ha! That is so funny! Bless her heart...
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