Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

What a GREAT time we had. On Christmas Eve we went to Mass. Cosmo (Logan's grandpa) got Logan this adorable dress for Christmas. We put the dress on Logan for church and she did not find it so adorable. She did NOT want to wear the dress. I guess she didn't like the material because she kept her arms raised up about 3 inches when she had it on. It was pretty funny watching her walk around like that. Althouth this picutre is a bit blurry you can still see how cute she was.

After church we headed off to Adam's parents house for Christmas gifts with them. Check Logan out by the tree with Honey...notice the dress is off and we are HAPPY!!! YEAH GIFTS!!!

She had a blast opening up all her gifts. It was really fun watching her get so excited with them. I know she doesn't understand the concept of "santa" yet, but to watch her get so happy and rip at the paper, it made it very enjoyable.

Christmas morning Logan woke up to a tree full of MORE gifts. She was instantly drawn to her Dora chair which she immediately pulled out and sat in.

After that she went for all the presents wrapped in Dora paper. If only I would have been thinking and wrapped all her gifts in Dora paper.

After opening a few of her gifts we got to one gift in particular...It was a "Yo Gabba Gabba" DVD. I had never heard of "Yo Gabba Gabba" before, but her daycare told us that she LOVES it. I thought more than Dora or Elmo...well we found out that she does love it more than Dora or Elmo. Once she unwrapped that DVD, she was done. She did not need to unwrap anymore....of course we still had her unwrap more, but she had to have the DVD right next to her. I guess that was her favorite gift. Thank you Daycare.

After the gift "ceremony" we had a lovely lunch later that day. Adam's parents, sister, our good friends Laura and Jerry, and Laura's parents all came over for lunch. This was officially Adam's and my second time cooking a turkey and all the fixing. I believe we got good reviews. It was a fabulous Christmas and I can't wait till next year with Logan. It should be very exciting. For now though, Logan needs her rest!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

18 months old

Since Logan was born I've kept a journal of letters to her or updates of things that have been going on in her life (accomplishments she has made). Well today Logan is 18 months old, officially. And this evening I go to grab the journal to write in it and I just have to take a look back to see what I wrote to her one year ago. I thought I'd share a portion of what I wrote...

...I find myself falling more and more in love with you. You are the most amazing baby. You are rolling all over the place and you are getting on all fours to try and crawl. You are just bouncing back and forth, but you are trying. You are also eating cereal and bananas. You are the happiest baby and I feel so blessed to have you as my daughter. You are the most important thing in my life. You are my little baby and I can't wait to watch you continue to grow...

WOW!! I can't believe how much she has grown. She still is amazing to me and I still find myself loving her more and more each day. I was blessed with a gorgeous daughter 18 months ago and her and Adam are the most important things in my life. Logan is a blessing to my life each day and one of my great accomplishments. Now anytime she wants to slow down some and quit growing up so quickly...I'd be okay with that. :)
Here are the photos to show her changes in one year.

Here is Logan on December 15, 2007

Logan today...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa Photo

Last year I felt like she was too young to take her photo with Santa. However, during Easter I got her picture taken with the Easter Bunny and she did such a great job. She sat there and had this huge smile on her face. Well, we were not so lucky with Santa. Adam and I took her up the the mall to get the photo with Santa. Everything was fine. We walked over to Santa, I sat her down on his lap, I took one step back and Santa spoke to her and that was it...she lost it. Of course we couldn't walk away without a photo to remember this moment by.

Here is Logan with Santa

Once the picture was over with I took her off Santa's lap and she was fine. She was excited to get on the carousel.