We left the hospital on Sunday and I was so happy to be out of there. Some people thought I was crazy for wanting to go home so early, but hospital beds are uncomfortable, the food is not so great, and having someone come in your room every hour to either check on you or the baby, gets to be too much after a while. I especially love when they say, "get some rest." How do you get rest when they are in there every hour asking you about how much he ate, did he have a wet diaper or a dry diaper.
Brady has so far turned out to be a decent sleeper. He is up every 3 to 5 hours at night and I can handle that. I've noticed that I'm not so paranoid about everything like I was with Logan. Of course I was a first time mommy then and I had no clue about what I was doing. This time we all know how to change diapers, burp, feed, and clean so it's much more relaxing. Also my recovery and my ability to move around easier has been better. I am moving around much sooner with Brady then I was with Logan. I still have the aches and the pains, but this time I at least know what they are....even though at times they can be a little too much.
Brady was born so close to Easter, thankfully I made sure I had taken care of all the things necessary for Logan and Easter before his arrival. We got some really great shots of Logan and Brady at Easter time.
We are enjoying having another additon to our family. Logan is getting used to it more and more everyday. Our family of 3 is now a WONDERFUL family of 4!!!
Thank you to everyone who sent us warm wishes and have been such a huge support to us during this transition time.
Daddy Duty...
Daddy Duty...