What a wonderful 2 week vacation we have had. Logan celebrated her third Christmas and I think she really started to understand more about Santa and presents. She did enjoy her presents.
We started my two week vacation from school by all of us heading up to Austin to the "Trail of Lights." Last year we took Logan to it and the walk was awesome. We thought this year with her loving being in the car and driving around looking at the lights on houses in Corpus, that she would really enjoy walking through Zilker Park checking out all the lights. The Trail of Lights this year was quite a disappointment. It was probably 10 times smaller than it was last year and Logan did not seem very interested in much of what was there. In fact she seemed more interested in throwing a tantrum. They did have one part of the park that was a HUGE Christmas tree of lights and so Logan and her Papa went and stood under it and spun around. She seemed to really enjoy that.
Logan and Papa spinning under the lights. WOW!!!
That was the last thing we did there and so she was in a pretty good mood on the walk back to the car. However, instead of walking back we opted to take the bus. Logan LOVED the bus. That was so exciting to her. I think that was her "Trail of Lights." I was just so glad she was in a good mood.
The weather was very cold so Logan was bundled up
Christmas was awesome. We spent Christmas Eve at Honey and Papa's house. Logan got to open up a few gifts there. She seemed to really get into that.
CHEESE!!! She was very excited about her gifts.
Logan by the tree at Honey and Papa's house
Christmas morning Honey, Papa, and Aunt Michaela came to the house at 7am and Logan started opening her gifts from Santa. She was so happy that Santa wrapped her presents in Dora wrapping paper. Mommy was happy he did that too because anything else that was wrapped up in just "regular Christmas paper" she did not want to open up.
Logan with her Dora purse

One of Logan's favorite gifts this year seems to be her Cinderella dress and shoes that she got. She is so particular about the material that goes on her body and if it is in any way "itchy" she normally does not like to wear it. So I was VERY surprised to see her want to put on the Cinderella dress. If we let her I know she would wear that dress everywhere she goes. She's so adorable in it. The shoes light up when she walks on them.
Logan in her Cinderella Dress
Happy New Years!!!