It's been almost 2 months since I have written on my blog. Life got really crazy once volleyball season started. We are doing really well though. It's the best the high school has done before in Volleyball. I am really excited about the potential this program has. I'm looking forward to watching my younger players develop into better players. Their senior year should be a lot of fun.
Adam has been busy with work, as always. I don't think business ever slows down for him. He is always working on some new project or idea. He is still doing bootcamp at Cole Park in the mornings. I hadn't been in a while, so a few weeks ago I decided to go out there. I didn't even make it through the warm-up and left. This random guy just rides his bike up to our group and he looks so scary and he pulls adam off to the side to have some talk. He actually gives Adam two hugs during this conversation and proceeds to tell Adam how he just got out of jail/prison and wants some money. He wants to know if Adam has any money or if any of those cars over there.....our cars....are unlocked so he can go take some money out of them. Adam tells him no and this guy actually leaves and so do I. I had Logan with me and there was no way I was hanging around that mess. It wasn't like that in the summer. I did go back earlier this week though and everything was fine.
Adam has also started selling Juice plus. It is a great source for getting all the fruits and veggies that you need. If you are interested you have to give him a shout about it.
Now on to what everyone really wants to hear about.....Logan. How she is doing? What is she up to? She's doing AMAZING. She's into EVERYTHING. She runs all over the place and has currently picked up climbing. This is new and I can see it getting pretty scary in the future. She still has some trouble getting on to the couch, so we are good for at least another week. :) She really is starting to understand a lot of what we are saying to her. She chooses to listen when she wants to. It's selective hearing. She's so much fun though, except when she is hungry or really tired. Those aren't really the "fun" times. She's a blast to hang out with and she is exploring everything. She LOVES books. That is a great thing. She constantly brings a book over to you and she actually wants to sit in your lap and have you read it to her. She has a million books all over the house and she even knows some of the words in them. She understands this Farm animal book and when we turn the page to, "scrathch the elephants ears," she actually scratches his ears. It's really adorable.
Here are a few updated photos of Logan.
Logan sitting on Mom's lap enjoying a great book. She helps turn the pages!!

Logan and Dad spending time in the backyard together...Dad gets to push!!

Enjoying Dad's Birthday cake after dinner....YUMMY!!! feet finally touch the floor!